Talk with Davis | A blog by Steve Davis, CFP® of Davis Financial, Mansfield, MA

Talk with Davis -- A blog by Steve Davis, CFP® of Davis Financial, Mansfield, MA

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Guest Post: Subtle Signs and Signals

By Sara-Lynn Reynolds

During my kids' hectic teenage years, I often lost sight of my parents' "aging needs."

I wish I had been more available, more observant, more everything, but it just wasn’t possible, since they lived a fair distance from me. Beating yourself up over a lack of parental oversight isn’t productive, so I would like to share some aging signs and tips that might be of help.
Some of these signals may be noticeable to you, though if your parents do not live close, it might be important to contact a friend or two of theirs so that you stay abreast of a possible problem before a crises ensues. Being aware of any changes in the way your parents handle day-to-day chores can provide health clues.

Do you speak to your parents often and actually... (Read the rest of the article here)


This article was written by Sara-Lynn Reynolds. Sara-Lynn is the Community and Education Liason for Home Instead Senior Care in Attleboro, MA.  For more ideas on starting this type of conversation with your folks, check out this video.
Sara-Lynn is not endorsed by or affiliated with LPL Financial.